Saturday, July 05, 2008

Who commits suicide? No, I'm not thinking of committing suicide. Naitanong ko lang naman.

I became interested in this because there was a news a few days ago of a Pinoy who committed suicide here in Singapore. (And I just watched an episode of Criminal Minds where the UnSub makes it appear that his victims commit suicide.) His friends say that he is a happy person and it is very unlikely that he would have taken his own life. Or maybe, his friends were not able to see the tell-tale signs.

This brings me to the question: who commits suicide? Who are predisposed to take their own lives? What kind of stressors would trigger this kind of thinking? Is the fact that a person is in another country away from his family would trigger this? Or that he had just broken up with girlfriend? Or if he is not satisfied with his job? Or he can't stand his job because he wants to avoid someone in the office? Or he is in debt?

The data I've seen in the internet says that men are more predisposed to commit suicide than women. Is it because men tend to keep their emotions bottled up inside? Do women have better support systems?

If you live in another country away from your family and close friends, where would you find a support system? The new friendships you make may not be as close or as deep as what you've had before. What if the closest connection you've made in this new place was suddenly taken away from you, what would you do? What if these friends doesn't want you in their lives anymore? What if you felt betrayed and used? What if you want to move on but you can't?

I read somewhere that people who tell other people that they plan to kill themselves are less likely to do it than those who keep a brave and happy face. We should be kind to everyone we meet because we don't know what they're going through as much as they don't know what we're going through.

Ayan, kakapanood ng Criminal Minds. Hehe. Samantha Who na nga lang papanoorin ko. Hehe.